What's that mean?
The name of our bakery comes from a beautiful correlation between our business, and our Savior. Years ago an archeological dig uncovered an old bakery loaded with clay tablets, which after examination turned out were customer accounts. For those accounts that were “paid in full”, the bottom was noted “tetelestai”. In beautiful symmetry, these were the very last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary as he took our sin debt upon Himself and so too paid OUR debts in FULL. Everything we do is in gratitude for His perfect Grace, and we only hope His light shines through from us to you.
Faith, family, and community.
Our family bakery was born out of a passion for food, an aversion to the ordinary, and a love for our community. Kaley, our head baker and co-owner with her husband Dave, has always had a love for the kitchen and creativity. Along with never making the same dish twice, she believes knowing where our food comes from and what goes into it is crucial. In early 2022, we decided to start a home bakery, never knowing what would become of it but taking the chance anyway. It didn't take us long to figure out that having the opportunity to create whatever we wanted to, while also supporting our local economy and making lifelong friends with other small business owners, was pretty much the coolest (and hardest) thing we could ever imagine. From there, God has simply blown us away and we continue this journey in our little corner of the bakery world. Our family is so thankful you are here, and we can't wait to share this adventure with you. We hope to see you soon!!
God Bless and much love,
-The TetelestaiBakery Fam